At this year's concert "Jau žvaigdė patekėjo" a new program was presented, in which the entire "Rokoko" team participated - from the youngest to the oldest members of the studio. During the concert, the artistic director was happy with the talents of the young performers, their overall progress, and the children themselves shared the joy of music with the community.
"Dear viewers, tonight you will hear everything in the songs that the Rococo children will sing for you - all the beauty that we have created so carefully and lovingly all these years," said the hosts of the event.
During the evening, the audience enjoyed the performances of the artists, the songs created by Rasa Kauneckaitė, the artistic director of the vocal studio "Rokoko". The recently released video clip of the song "Nine raina cats" attracted great interest, and the song itself was played during the concert, impressing the audience with its mood and warmth. At this year's concert, well-known Christmas tunes were also played. The songs were performed not only in Lithuanian, but also in English, enriching the evening with an international festive sound.
The guests also joined the festive evening - the concert program was enriched by the soloist of the music and creative studio "Sidabro žíogas" Ugnė Jankauskytė.
The culmination of the evening was a joint song, during which all the participants united in one big choir and created a special festive atmosphere. The organizers are happy that the warm applause and sincere smiles after each piece were the best evidence that this musical journey was not only a pleasant entertainment, but also a meaningful experience that united the young talents and everyone who came to enjoy this celebration.
The information is provided by Aušra Brijūnienė, head of the Amateur Art Department of the Šiauliai Cultural Center, tel. +370 615 83 983, e-mail
Lyubov Yarmoshenko's photo.
Juridinių asmenų registras,
kodas 302296711
Aušros al. 31, LT-76300 Šiauliai
Tel. +370 655 255 18
El. p.
I–IV 8.00–17.00 val., V 8.00–15.45 val.
Pietų pertrauka 12.00–12.45
Kasos darbo laikas: I–V 9.00–18 val.
VI–VII 1 val. prieš renginį.
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